"Follow your creative whims, they lead you not astray, for as you follow, you will be lead - to the truest bounty - the richest being Love ~"
"The Guides For Truth" - Connie Bowen
This year, I've decided to focus on listening to the still, small voice within me and follow my creative whims.
As a pet portrait artist, I had always wanted to paint portraits of the German Shepherd police dogs. They are so regal in their stance - full of confidence and ready to jump into service whenever needed. I called the Lake Oswego, Oregon Police Department, my local police force, and offered to donate such a portrait to their K-9 Corps. What follows is truly a magical story of synchronicity.
A year ago, my husband gave me a beautiful, framed new 18x24 canvas for Christmas with the idea that I could paint anything I wanted - no strings attached. I stared at that empty canvas for over a year. Suddenly I decided this would be used for my portrait of Kai, one of the German Shepherds on the force! I made an appointment to take Kai's photo, and in a few days his portrait was completed.
While painting, I had the fleeting idea that the local newspaper might like to write a story about the donation I was preparing. The next morning, my mouth dropped open as I stared at an e-mail from one of the newspaper's reporters wishing to write a story about me and my work. When I asked how he had come to contact me, he said one of the other reporters had randomly seen my name on a blog and recommended he write the story. He was thrilled to hear about the painting I was working on.
With the painting now complete, I called the Lake Oswego City Hall to arrange for the painting to hang in their permanent collection. I was following each step of my inner guidance as it came to me. My husband was so surprised to hear that I did not have this all arranged before I started the portrait.
In no time at all I was connected to Diana at the City who assured me that yes, the painting would hang in their permanent collection. I pictured handing the portrait over to the police officers and snapping a quick photo to commemorate the moment. While waiting to hear back from Kai's handler as to a time when I could drop the painting off, Diana called back to say they were arranging to have me present the portrait at the next City Council meeting and the whole presentation would be televised!
By following my highest joy, I know I can tune into the higher, finer vibrations of love, peace and abundance.
With blessings,
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